Sunday, May 24, 2009

Straight To The Top

Gloria Mayfield Banks is one of the TOP Leaders taking women to extraordinary heights and incredible success! Here is an excerpt for an interview Gloria did with ABC News! Bee inspired and invite women who are serious about attaining MORE to take a look!

Online news, breaking news, feature stories and more

"Leadership is influence." - John Maxwell

Remember, there is a woman waiting out there for you to offer her something more. A woman waiting for your influence. Who will you influence today? Who influences you? Looking forward to your success!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ready, Set , Go For Your Goals!

You just started a great new business -- now what?? What is the best thing to do when you are full of energy and passion? Be smart! Make the momentum that comes from that motivational decision work for you. First, make a short term, doable goal that stretches you. This will give you confidence and get you started -- you doing more and thinking bigger than you did before. When we get started it feels so good. Invite women to become your customers! "No's" bounce off your ears and "Yeses" are attracted to you. Take the enthusiasm and give it to others as a gift. People love enthusiasm! They also love the product you offer!

Regarding your goal -- when you make the goal make sure it is something you can control. Work the numbers: you can not control peoples' answers, but you can control your asking of the questions. Remember, many things can seem hard until you do them over and over - then the same things become easy.

What are you going to make happen RIGHT NOW?
Your success is hidden in your DAILY WORK. Understand and truly work the 52631 ZIP Code Action Plan every day, week and month.

> 5 new leads a day
> 2 new bookings a day to be placed on your books
> Sell $600 every week
> 3 face to face interviews a week
> 1 Weekly Accomplish Sheet (WAS) every week

Make sure to visit our Unit Site for more great information!